Performance, Politics & Civic Dialogue Series
Founded the partnership between John C. West Forum on Politics & Policy and the Department of Theatre & Dance. I curate annual events on campus, artist-in-residency programs, symposia, or guest artist performance events which foster inter-disciplinary discourse between the arts and politics. The West Forum sponsors the Series, while, representing the Department of Theatre & Dance, I hold creative control of programming.
On Water: Site Specific Theatre & Dance Collaboration
Created two iterations of a devised site-specific performance project, On Water: Place. Perform. and Water. Two. Performers worked to map non-traditioinal performances spaces, to create dialogue between scholarship and artistic practice. The first iteration of performance was situated at an interdisciplinary academic conference. As a physical interruption of the conference topography, the performance cleared space (literally and figuratively) for exchange between theory and praxis. The second iteration was performed as interruption of the intermission of a produced dance concert, which worked to connect the performance housed in the traditional space to audience's consciousness as they moved outside of that space. This project served as introduction to site-specific performance for all student participants.
Tim Miller Residency
Partnered with the John C. West Forum on Politics & Policy to bring Tim Miller to campus for a week-long residency with Winthrop Students. As part of the residency, Miller performed his solo performance piece Glory Box, and devised an original performance piece, Body Maps, with twenty undergraduate students. As residency director, I sought funding for the project, created the Residency Student Liaison position to engage an undergraduate student in fundraising and event organizing. I cast, produced and oversaw the workshop.
Azteca Dance Intensive
“Dramaturgy and Dance, Mexica/Azteca Culture and The Hungry Woman” I received three separate grants to support a collaboration with Azteca dancer, scholar and choreographer Erica Ocegueda. As part of the collaboration, Ocegueda gave a lecture on Azteca dance, a master class, and an Azteca dance intensive for the cast of The Hungry Woman.